Investing in the Axe Valley

At the time when banks are typically paying little or no interest, many investors are turning to the commercial property market for a more substantial return on their money.

After deducting management fees, our aim is to secure nearer 7% for those who invest in one of our properties in the Axe Valley.

Our formula is a little different to most in that we are keen to work with investors who would like to see their money put to work in their own local area. The fact that they can relate their investment to an individual property and enjoy its contribution to the local economy often provides a meaningful additional stimulus for those who believe in the ‘shop local’ movement and in creating jobs in their own area.

Commercial property is a rewarding asset – but only if it is professionally managed. We take a long term view of every property with the aim of ensuring that it looks as good in 30 years time as it does now. New properties have to be built well, and older ones brought back to a ‘good as new’ standard before we let them.

Our planned maintenance programmes then take over and will typically (subject to negotiation) include three year redecoration, regular servicing of energy appliances, annual gutter cleaning and weekly window cleaning.

We are responsive to repair needs, especially where an issue may hinder a tenant’s business or where the fabric of a building could deteriorate further.

Residential property management means that we act as the interface between the landlord and the tenant. For many landlords this takes the stress out of the relationship and enables them to ‘enjoy’ the benefits of their investment hassle free.

We take responsibility for finding suitable tenants, completing all the legal formalities involved (to include references), collecting rents, planned and reactive maintenance, ‘on call’ services in the event of any emergency and health and safety compliance. Peace of mind that everything is being managed professionally and efficiently for both the landlord and the tenant.

Note: It is important to recognise that Axminster Property Ltd is not a financial advisor. Professional advice should always be sought prior to investing.

Axminster Property Ltd collaborated with a will trust with a not insignificant £.5million to invest. The objective was to provide a lifetime income coupled with capital growth; the former to ensure a good standard of living and the latter to protect the inheritance of the next generation. A trust is an excellent vehicle for this purpose and, as the investment had to be risk averse, the decision to invest in property managed by Axminster Property Ltd was an easy one to make.

As the beneficiaries wanted to invest in local property, the company set up a portfolio of three substantial, high quality units that were very affordable, both in terms of purchase by the trust and the rent paid by the tenants to ensure longevity. These units are high-end assets that have been renovated by Axminster Property to a standard that will last for at least 30 years with only internal and external redecoration required. The units are managed and maintained by the compant on behalf of the trustees so that only minimal intervention is required.

More importantly, immediately upon purchase, a return on investment of 7% was received from day one with the potential of rent reviews to maintain or even improve that percentage against increased values going forward. The aim of the company is to maintain a constant yield against increased valuations to ensure a good, safe return and a strong capital growth so that upon cessation of the trust the asset value will be high and the investment still relevant.

* Client confidentiality is of utmost importance and therefore, whilst this case study showcases how the company has been able to assist this particular investor to achieve agreed goals, some details and images have been omitted to ensure anonymity.

Working for you

We secure our investors’ money by ensuring the ensuring quality of the properties we manage. We work closely with our tenants to satisfy their needs and give them the confidence to commit to longer leases.

Our rents are realistic and our maintenance standards high with the aim of ensuring that a building is as good after 30 years as it was when you first invested in it.

Get in touch today and see how we can make your investment work harder.